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  • Prof Mejía-Lemos Judges 2021 Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition National and Regional Rounds in Asia Pacific, Spain and Thailand
  • Published:2021/03/18 08:55:23 News source:

Prof Diego Mejía-Lemos LLM PhD, who recently joined Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) as Distinguished Research Associate Professor, appointed within the framework of XJTU’s ‘Young Talent Support Plan’, has served as judge in the 2021 Philip C Jessup International Moot Court Competition (Jessup). The Jessup, currently in its 62ndedition, is a simulation of a fictional dispute between countries before the International Court of Justice. The Jessup remains the world’s largest moot court competition, with participants from more than 700 law schools in over 100 countries. Normally, students first compete at national level rounds (National Rounds) and winning teams of National Rounds advance to the White & Case International Rounds (Global Rounds), held each spring in Washington, D.C. In turn, National Rounds comprise preliminary and advanced rounds, and the latter include quarterfinal, semifinal, and final rounds. This year the Jessup has been exceptionally held in a hybrid format, mostly online, allowing for the organization of Regional Rounds, in addition to National Rounds and the upcoming Global Rounds. Prof Mejía-Lemos has been invited to participate as a judge in the Jessup since 2016, up to National Final Rounds, and has been accorded awards by National Round administrations for his outstanding participation as a judge.

This year, Prof Mejía-Lemos has participated in National and Regional Rounds held in Spain, Asia Pacific, and Thailand.

From 17 and 19 February 2021, Prof Mejía-Lemos was invited to judge two preliminary rounds and a semi-final round in the 11thSpanish National Rounds of the Jessup, organised and hosted by global law firm Cuatrecasas. Due to his prior experience judging the Jessup in other countries, he was appointed as presiding judge by the organisers.

From 26 to 27 February 2021, Prof Mejía-Lemos judged a preliminary round and a quarterfinal round in the Jessup Asia Pacific Regional Rounds, organised and hosted by Universiti Malaya. These Regional Rounds attracted over 20 teams in the region.

(Preliminary Round held on 26 February 2021)

(Quarterfinal Round, held on 27 February 2021)

Lastly, on 27 February 2021, Prof Mejía-Lemos judged the final rounds of the Thai National Rounds, organised every year by the International Law Association of Thailand. Despite Thailand’s small-scale Qualifying Rounds, the process of selection of judges is highly selective.

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