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  • Dr. Guilherme Vila?a Participates in Different Conferences
  • Published:2016/06/13 08:48:25 News source:The station

On May 12 Dr. Guilherme Vila?a discussed famous IR scholar Friedrich Kratochwil’s book under preparation in a small workshop with the author organized by Professor Jan Klabbers at the University of Helsinki. Professor Jan Klabbers and Heikki Patomaki (Helsinki University), Senior Lecturer Hannes Peltonen (Tampere University) and Postdoc Sahib Singh (Helsinki University) were the other discussants. Friedrich Kratochwil addressed the comment and critiques.

Then on May 29 Guilherme presented the article “Why Teach Legal Theory Today?” at the Second conference on a Chinese Legal Theory for the World organized and hosted by Guanghua School of Law - Zhejiang University. The conference comprised around 60 legal theory experts, young and experienced, and discussed the future and challenges of Chinese legal theory.

Finally, on June 3, within the 2016 International Conference on Chinese Higher Education which took place in Yangling, Guilherme represented Xi’an Jiaotong University and served as chair and discussant in a panel devoted to the study of innovation in teaching methods. The conference was organized by Fudan University & Northwest A&F University and sponsored by the Society for International Human Resources Development of the Institutions of Higher Learning. The conference brought together several dozens of mostly foreign professors teaching in Chinese higher education institutions and focused on the opportunities and work to do in order to keep advancing the internationalization and quality of Chinese research and teaching.

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