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  • Associate Professor Su Speaks on Active Debris Removal at Athens Space Law Conference
  • Published:2015/09/01 00:00:00 News source:XJTU LAW

At the International Conference on New Challenges in Space Law, held in Athens, Greece between 28-29 August 2015, Associate Professor Jinyuan Su was invited to speak on legal issues and policy alternatives concerning active debris removal.

Su discussed various issues concerning active debris removal such as the definition of space debris, the jurisdiction and control of launching States, liability for damages caused to third parties, and implications for space arms control. It is suggested that the international community should promote the sharing of space situational awareness data and create a unitary international catalog of space debris.

The conference was jointly organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and European Public Law Organisation, and attended by over a hundred experts of space law from around the world.

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