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  • Associate Professor Jinyuan SU Attended 57th Meeting of UN COPUOS
  • Published:2014/07/06 00:00:00 News source:The station

The 57th Meeting of UN COPUOS was held in the Vienna International Centre from June 11 to 20. Associate Professor Jinyuan SU of XJTU School of Law attended the meeting as a member of Chinese delegation and delivered a technical presentation at the meeting.

This event attracted over 90 delegations of member states and international organizations. The head and the deputy head of the Chinese delegation were respectively Ambassador Jingye CHENG, the Chinese representative to UN and other international organizations, and Xinmin MA, Counselor of the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the members were from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Armament Department, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Society of Space Law, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology and some other departments.

Associate Professor SU attended this event as a member of Chinese delegation. During the event, he participated in drafting the presentations of Chinese delegation on several topics, such as "General Statement", " Methods and Means of the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space" and " Future Missions of the Commission", and attended the working group meeting of COPUOS Technology Group on "The Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities".

Associate Professor SU delivered a technical presentation entitled "China's Study on Space Law" at the meeting on June 16. He introduced the three development phases of China's study on Space Law from its infancy to professionalization to prosperity and advocated closer exchanges and cooperation between scholars all over the world to promote the development of International Space Law. There were 4 technical presentations delivered by the members of Chinese delegation among the total of 27 during the event. The other three Chinese speaker were respectively from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program Office, and the China Manned Space Engineering Office.

【蓝月亮料免资料大全】 - 搜狗买球